Keloid scar

Keloid scars

ear keloid scar
ear keloid scar
keloid scar on chest
Keloid scar on chest

Keloid scars, we treat them all the time. Keloids are nuisance and disfiguring tumor of the scar tissue .  These type of scars creep beyond the initial injured site . The injury can be from  accidental, infective or surgical means.

We especially like the small to medium recalcitrant ones. We treat earlobe keloids, chest keloids, shoulder keloid and keloids anywhere on the body. Don’t let them grow too big or we can’t help you in out patient setting.

We do intralesional cryotherapy to thick knobby keloids. i.e. freezing from the inside out.

Keloid scar prone areas we treat include the ear, chest ( zipper scar), shoulders and back.

No single method is best for all keloid scars. The location, size, and depth of the lesion; the age of the patient; and the past response to treatment determine the type of treatment used.

The newer the scar the better the response to treatment

For super recalcitrant scar – we found regular steroid injections work best. It’s not just a matter of sticking in a needle and hope for the best.

Some scar will require intermittent top up steroid injections for years . Don’t expect miracle with keloids !  The Nobel price is still up for grab !

The earlier you treat your itchy, raised, pink keloid scar the better. The first injections will be the toughest as the scar is rock solid – once softened  injections will be easy.

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