Cosmetic procedures
The goal of any cosmetic procedure is to improve your appearance thus make you feel and look better.
At Crown surgery centre we concentrate on minimally invasive cosmetic procedures including laser, anti-wrinkle injections, dermal fillers ,removal of epidermal blemishes and lumps and bumps.
We don’t do major invasive cosmetic surgery procedures such as – face lift, eyelid reduction however, we have contacts with the right cosmetic plastic surgeon who will be able to help you.
We do perform eyelid reduction (blepharoplasty) but ONLY for medical reason i.e redundant eyelids that interfere vision or if there is a cancer to be removed.
Services we do day in and day out are:
- No more wrinkle injections
- Laser
- Chemical Peel ( minor superficial ).
- Facial Wrinkles
- Skin Problems (Blemishes, Spider Veins, Scar Revisions)
- skin tag removal
- facial warts removal
- age warts removal
- Removal of lumps and bumps
- Varicose vein treatment
- wrinkle removal with galderma or allergan or rejuran
- Split or torn ear lobes.
Black heads removal. We remove black heads and stop them from coming back !
Other lesions that we treat include: Seborrhoeic keratoses (basal cell papillomas), papulosa nigra, Stucco keratoses, Corns and calluses, Chondrodermatitis nodularis helicis, and common skin cysts such as milias, scalp cysts, pillar cysts, trichoepithelioma and Pilomatricoma